Thursday 31 March 2011

A little something, from a uhm, uhm, faculty, maybe :D

A little apprehensive of what lies ahead, I entered the premises and could not help getting impressed by the lush green sprawling campus. Infrastructure designed to meet global standards and a comfortable working environment is what one gets at SLS Noida. The learners at SLS Noida do not just comprise of its students but also its faculty and staff. Everyone is equally desirous to learn and grow as individuals and professionals.

Staircases always filled with students, cafeteria bustling with discussions, lab where brainstorming sessions are a continual activity, library where one can see the intellectuals sharpening their knowledge. One can actually see quite a few Ramjethmalanis and Narimans in making. One can’t help getting impressed with the sheer energy these kids exude. Promptness and wit are available in bulk with these people. They jump with joy at every opportunity that’s given to them to showcase their talent. Enactment of plays, activities, fun based learning becomes even more interesting because the students put their heart and soul to it. One is bound to leave all inhibitions aside after entering the world of Symbiosis. Friendship acquires a whole new meaning as designation and age isn’t a hurdle. Setting aside all cultural and linguistic barriers, everyone unites to form the spirit of Symbiosis.  

Work till you drop, and every moment you spend working is worth the effort. Reward and appreciation is what you get in ample from the head of the Institute and let me tell you, ‘dynamic’ and ‘effervescent’ are the words that describe the head. Each student has a unique personality and his/her uniqueness is accepted with sensitivity and compassion. Exuberance and warmth fills the hearts of people here; one never feels away from home at SLS since SLS is home for its people.

SLS Noida is, without an ounce of doubt, an experience not to be missed!

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