Wednesday 23 July 2014

Reassuring Faith

Comfortable is a good place to be.
But that is not where you grow.

Miles away from the protected shelters of love and affection, the first day of Law School might not be a very comfortable experience for many.
Nervous and apprehensive, you find yourself lost amidst the unknown.
Unfamiliar faces, cold stares and arrogant turn of heads might break your self-confidence into jagged pieces.
But before you decide to pack your bags and start journey back to the familiar abode, stop.

Don’t startle when someone reciprocates your enthusiastic attempt of striking a conversation with a blank look or judge that  nervous boy sitting all crouched up in the corner.  Some of them might be very vocal in their expressions- laughing their heart out on hearing a random joke which probably didn't even make sense to you, while some others will most definitely refuse to even nod to your bright smile. Don’t judge them either.

Some of you will be drawing cartoons in your notebook while some others will be engrossed in listening to what is being briefed on the Dias. Some of you will jump at the idea of staying back after the orientation programme to familiarise with one another while some will just return to the hostel with a gloomy face.
Believe me when I say which ever group of people you can relate yourself to or whatever emotion you are experiencing at the moment is absolutely normal and anything but usual.

Everyone is as lost to the unfamiliar as you are. Some are trying to hide their apprehensions by laughing it out while some others are so intimidated that the best they can do is force a feeble smile at you. Everyone is as jostled as the ship in high seas, all finding their own anchor to familiarity and comfort.
 But it is this very feeling of despair, worthlessness, emptiness, remorse or regret and all other emotions that are playing doldrums in your heart at the moment that will lead to grow in ways unknown over the next few months.

Stepping out of your comfort zone, challenging your infirmities you will find love, friendship, unfaltering support and unfathomable knowledge in a place where you wouldn't regret residing even for a day.
The girl who first refused to even smile at you will be the one you confide all your secrets in. The loud girl who you once detested might be the one with an ever-helping heart guiding you in your projects and that boy who you saw all crouched up in the corner will turn out to be amazing orator teaming up with you to win debates.

And in this process of learning and unlearning, somewhere down the line you will find your comfort and solace. Eventually or gradually these little experiences will not only help you grow immensely as a human but will nurture your heart with strength and determination.
And someday when you reflect back upon your initial days of Law School, you will realise how silly you were to judge people and form notions about them, how judgemental you were of the unfamiliar before even giving it a chance to familiarise and how ridiculously insane you were to even allow the thought of leaving college creep into your tiny head.

But for this fleeting moment of chaos and confusion, you need to hold on to the person you are. Believe that no matter how dark things may seem or how difficult it may be for you to find your footing when you are completely astray, there is hope for each one of you here. Love that will soothe your edgy nerves and care that will protect you from all adversities.

Let your faith in yourself be bigger than the fears that shake you.

So to all the new learners, the Symbiosis Family welcomes you with warm hearts and outstretched arms. You are part of the Family and know no matter how hard you stumble, we will be right there to lift you up and help you soar high.

 -Srijata Majumdar
Second Year Learner

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